Les stars de Marvel rendent hommage à Stan Lee après l’annonce de son décès.
Le monde des Comics est en deuil depuis hier après le décès de Stan Lee, figure emblématique de Marvel Comics. Depuis l’annonce, une pluie d’hommages a déferlé sur la toile. Entre anonymes et célébrités, Stan Lee aura marqué des générations de fans.
Sur les réseaux sociaux, les acteurs qui incarnent les héros qui font partie de l’univers qu’il a créé lui ont rendu des hommages touchants. En voici quelques-uns parce que la liste est très longue.
Chris Pratt : “Merci pour tout Stan Lee ! Quelle vie, tellement bien vécue. Je me considère chanceux d’avoir pu te rencontrer et jouer dans le monde que tu as créé.”
Thanks for everything Stan Lee! What a life, so well lived. I consider myself extraordinarily lucky to have gotten to meet you and to have played in the world you created.
♥️ pic.twitter.com/ryUjG7PL8D
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) November 12, 2018
Chris Evans : “Il n’y aura plus jamais un autre Stan Lee. Durant des décennies, il a offert aux petits et aux grands, des aventures, un échappatoire, du réconfort, de la confiance, une inspiration, de la force, de l’amitié et de la joie. Il exultait de l’amour et de la bienveillance et laissera une marque indélébile sur tellement de vies. Excelsior !”
There will never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 12, 2018
Tom Holland : “Combien de millions de personnes lui son redevable, je le suis. Le père de Marvel a rendu tellement de gens heureux. Quelle vie et quel accomplissement. Repose en paix Stan”
Robert Downey Jr : “Je te dois tout. Repose en Paix Stan”
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I owe it all to you,,, Rest In Peace Stan… #MCU #Excelsior #legend #rip #stanlee #TeamStark
Hugh Jackman : “Nous avons perdu un génie créatif. Stan Lee était une force pionnière dans le monde des super-héros. Je suis fier d’avoir été une petite partie de son héritage et d’avoir aidé à donner vie à l’un de ses personnages.”
We’ve lost a creative genius. Stan Lee was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. I’m proud to have been a small part of his legacy and …. to have helped bring one of his characters to life. #StanLee #Wolverine pic.twitter.com/iOdefi7iYz
— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) November 12, 2018
THANK YOU, @TheRealStanLee. You gave us characters that continue to stand the test of time and evolve with our consciousness. You taught us that there are no limits to our future as long as we have access to our imagination. Rest in power! #EXCELSIOR #StanLee #rip pic.twitter.com/hnSmnHIDln
— Winston Duke (@Winston_Duke) November 12, 2018
Les frères Russo : “Merci d’avoir rempli nos enfances de joie. Tu nous manquera grandement..”
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Thank you for filling our childhoods with such joy. You will be dearly, dearly missed…
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Thank you great legend. You will be missed. I wouldn’t be here without you.
Stan…more than a master of stories, you always seemed like a master of living. I will look to you for inspiration for the rest of my life. You live on. xoxo Your Wasp
#liveon #StanLee pic.twitter.com/JRA2aRM3bG— Evangeline Lilly (@EvangelineLilly) November 12, 2018
Today we lost one of the greats. @TheRealStanLee, you were a inspiration and superhero to us all. Thank you for contributing so much- and giving us all something to aspire to!
#ripstanlee pic.twitter.com/GzFhwgU0WA— Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) November 12, 2018
Thank you @TheRealStanLee for the escape from this world & great joy inhabiting the ones you created!! You made so many believe in the good, the heroic, the villainous, the exciting, most of all, you were giving & gracious to us all. RIP
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) November 12, 2018
Sad, sad day. Rest In Power, Uncle Stan. You have made the world a better place through the power of modern mythology and your love of this messy business of being human… pic.twitter.com/x6yZ6ClNSX
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) November 12, 2018
Damn… RIP Stan. Thanks for everything. pic.twitter.com/TMAaDJSOhh
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 12, 2018
Stan Lee created a universe where, if a character was beloved enough, they could never really die.
Now THAT’S thinking ahead.
Thanks for so much of my life. You’ll never not be in it.
— Joss Whedon (@joss) November 12, 2018
Rest in Peace Stan Lee
— Letitia Wright (@letitiawright) November 12, 2018
You were a man before your time… now it feels like you are gone before your time. RIP Stan the Man… thanks for the laughs and words of support. It’s a honor to live in your universe! #MarvelKnight pic.twitter.com/1TXdPqUB3x
— Anthony Mackie (@AnthonyMackie) November 12, 2018
Le président de Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, lui doit toute sa carrière. Il le remercie pour “l’extraordinaire héritage” qu’il laisse.
No one has had more of an impact on my career and everything we do at Marvel Studios than Stan Lee. Stan leaves an extraordinary legacy that will outlive us all. Our thoughts are with his daughter, his family, and his millions of fans. #ThankYouStan #Excelsior!
— Kevin Feige (@Kevfeige) November 12, 2018
Pour finir, DC Comics, son “concurrent”, lui rend aussi hommage : “Il a changé la manière dont nous regardons les héros et les comics modernes porteront toujours sa marque indélébile. Son enthousiasme infectieux nous rappelle pourquoi nous sommes tombés amoureux de ces histoires. Excelsior, Stan.”
He changed the way we look at heroes, and modern comics will always bear his indelible mark. His infectious enthusiasm reminded us why we all fell in love with these stories in the first place. Excelsior, Stan.
— DC (@DCComics) November 12, 2018
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